Chaos of Color Dragons

Draco looks a little uneasy as you move along the mountain. You ask him what's up.

"Er," he stammers, "well, we have to pass through the territory of a Hybrid Catdragon. He's . . . not very friendly."

"Oh," you respond, uneasy, now, as well.

"I'm sure there won't be any trouble."

A new voice looms over you. "You're sure, are you, Draco?"

You stagger back as the large creature comes into view.

"Hm," he says, as if regarding you. "Yes, I am rather impressive, aren't I?"

You gulp and Draco stands between you and the Hybrid Catdragon. "Dismal Vaporous," Draco says, "may we have your permission to pass through your territory?"

The corners of his mouth twitched. "I really shouldn't, you know. However, I sense that this . . . Traveler as you call it isn't going to cause me harm, so . . . I suppose. Don't let me catch you around here again, though, Draco. Or I might not be as forgiving."

Draco bows and gestures for you to do the same. "We thank you," says Draco, "and bid you a respectful goodbye." He then ushers you away.

"What was that about?" you whisper when you think you're out of earshot.

"That was Dismal Vaporous, and we have to use his full name or he'll . . . get cranky. He has these powers that kind of creep out the rest of us. He can summon spirits and he claims he can talk to the dead. We never stick around long enough to find out." Draco clears his throat. "Anyways, this way we can go back down the mountain."

Dismal Vaporous
Parents: Crepuscular and Ethereal Hyacinth
Clutch: Fifteen
Species: Hybrid Catdragon
Gender: Male
Color: Green-Yellow Marbled Skin, Blue-Marked Black
Chrome Fur
Abilities: Summon Spirit, minor Necromancy, telepathy,
verbal speech, firebreath, Control Elemental force:
Air, Teleportation, Hypnosis
Height: 13'
Length: 35'
Personality: well-known/famous, cold, unfriendly

The creatures inhabiting this area of the mountains are from the EverRealm.
