
The glowing eye of the next Dragon Whorling bores into you.

"Hey," she says, "I won't bite. My name's Lumina. That's Flint, over there."

"Hi," he says. "Did you meet Keegan yet?"

"No," says a voice.

"Yep, I'm Keegan," she says.

You spend a few minutes talking before Draco urges you on. "More this way, or I can take you back down the mountain, or you can visit the Chaos of Color dragons."

Species: Dragon Whorling
Gender: Female
Meaning of Name: "Of the light, glowing" in Latin


Species: Dragon Whorling
Gender: Male
Meaning of Name: "Hard quartz rock" in English


Species: Dragon Whorling
Gender: Female
Meaning of Name: "Small and fiery, bright flame" in Celtic/Gaelic

The creatures inhabiting this area of the mountains are from the EverRealm.
