
A shark-like aquatic Equine Whorling swims up to you.

Oh, cool! he exclaims. A surface-walker! Wow! Hali, check this out!

Ooh! she croons, swimming up so she's nose-to-nose with you, then flips herself over so she can examine your legs. Legs! That's so awesome, really.

You exchange a glance with Indira, amused at all these creatures down here being surprised by your legs. You await the next one to make a comment.

So they got legs. Big deal, she says. Well, that wasn't the comment you were expecting. I see beings with legs all the time.

Just cuz you go to Earth lots of times . . . Hali mutters.

No one's said you can't.

"How do you get to Earth from here?" you ask.

You know the Gates that brought you here? There's a few underwater. My favorite goes to the place you call Scotland. She smiles.

Scotland . . . and she's named Inverness? . . . you begin to wonder.

Indira just smiles and says, You can visit the Okea'Tygre or go back.

Species: Equine Whorling
Gender: Male
Meaning of Name: "Shark" in Spanish


Species: Equine Whorling
Gender: Female
Meaning of Name: "Sea" in Greek


Species: Random Whorling
Gender: Female
Meaning of Name: She looks similar to the Loch Ness
Monster and Inverness is the area the Loch is located

The creatures inhabiting this area of the ocean are from the EverRealm.
