Sno's Birthday 2004 -- [February 6, 2004] Sno's birthday present.
Alida and Janus -- [February 19, 2004] I have no idea where she gets these things in her head . . .
They're Lisa's and Don't You Forget It! -- [April 22, 2004] Me, Diego, Cuatro, and the unnamed mare (I wanted to call her Dragonfire) we had at the ranch for a while.
Lisa As the Phantom of the Opera -- [May 9, 2004] Sketch drawn on an airplane ride back from Wisconsin. Phantom is my new obsession. Colored version found here.
Sing for Me -- [May 19, 2004] Another Phantom-related picture. I don't like the omgRAINBOW! tree, but 'Rai does, so issall goot. ^^
Alida and Jirachi -- [June 2, 2004] Continuation of the "Alida steals her mother's Pokémon" pictures.
Bob's Card -- [July 2004] Quickie two-picture birthday card for a boarder at my barn.
Tango -- [July 19, 2004] Birthday present for Tango!Bob at my barn.
Bob's Birthday Card -- [September 9, 2004] Three-image card for a coworker.
Bless the Broken Road -- [October 20, 2004] A 1-year anniversary gift for my sister, Banrai, and her husband, Jason (name misspelled on image on purpose). Sketch found here.
King -- [December 17, 2004] Gift for a boarder at my barn.
Obsidian Dreamer -- [December 17, 2004] Gift for a former boarder at my barn.
Dagobaz -- [December 23, 2004] Gift for a former boarder at my barn.
"T" Racer -- [December 23, 2004] Gift for my co-worker at the barn.
Corona Champion Wedding Horse -- [December 23, 2004] Christmas gift for my boss.
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