Entrance in Rear -- [1/11/25] -- My dog's groomer has opened a storefront just down the street from where I live. The door that faces the street is not the front door and she does not have a sign to state this fact, so I drew one. Since the text is hard to read from the sidewalk, here's version two with a boarder around the words.

Luna -- [1/26/25] -- A teacher on TikTok has posted an art from one of their students, and has requested fanart for that student's birthday.

What's My Name -- [1/27/25] -- At some point in "In the Quiet After", AL is going to confront Poul's boss (depicted here as a Danganronpa antagonist because I don't think I have any media where the individual is described) about the poor quality of care Poul received (or didn't receive...) after returning from the sandminer attack in "Robots of Death" and the fact that the Company covered everything up. I'm not sure if her wings are going to be visible in this scene as I haven't written it yet so here's the version with her wings transparent (ie invisible). The title of the image and AL's line comes from "What's My Name (Red Version)" from Descendants: The Rise of Red. It's a bop.

The Tube Dress -- [2/15/25] -- In the novel "Corpse Marker", Toos is described as wearing a tube dress to a party. I thought it'd be funny if AL tried one on.






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